Remove the avocado seed by dropping the knife's weight into the mid line, then twisting the knife, and the seed will pop right out.
Use the spoon to scoop the avocado flesh out of the peel into the bowl.
Use the fork to lightly mash the avocado.
Add the pico de gallo to the mashed avocado.
Stir them together so the pico is incorporated into the avocado mash.
Transfer to a storage container immediately.
Press the cling film over the top of the guacamole from the center, pressing it outwards, so that there's no air between the film and the guac.
Refrigerate for 30 minutes or so to let the flavors mesh.
Serve with tortilla chips, on tacos, in burritors, c'mon, do you really need pointers here? The hard part with guac is not eating all of it with a fork by itself right after you make it.