Add the cumin, coriander, oregano, and red chili to the bottom of each pickling jar.
Open the avocados and use the spoon to remove the flesh from the skin.
Slice the avocado flesh into 3-4 strips.
Slice the tomatoes into small wedges.
Slice the onion, jalapeno, and bell pepper into strips.
Cut the wood off the end of the garlic, cut it open, and remove the core.
Put the ingredients into the jars in whatever proportion you want.
After the pickling mix has come to a boil, while it's still boiling hot, pour it into the filled jars.
Leave 1/4" to 1/2" air space at the top of the jars so they can seal properly.
Place the canning lids on the jars and close them.
Let the jars stand until they reach room temp.
You can eat immediately after they're room temp (a few hours) or put them in the fridge.
The avocados will dissolve in a week or two, but the hard veggies will be fine for a long time.